
We all belong to at least one community of some sort, whether it’s formally organized or not. In my work and in my life away from work I participate in and bring value to a number of communities. Some are huge, some are small, but the approach is the same when looking to build a community.

If you’ve thought about being part of a community or perhaps starting your own for your company or brand, this video from Barry Libert, Chairman of Mzinga, is a great starter on the 7 rules of creating a community.

I like #6 – Relinquish Control. You’ve got to trust that the community will guide the direction and creations (or destruction) as a collective.

As I see it my role in building a community is to be the enabler, looking out for ways that I can help them, not the traditional “how can they help me” perspective that is so easy to fall prey to (often the result of a number cruncher who demands traditional ROI on community efforts)

Check it.

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