I remember skiing with Shane McConkey (first voice in the following segment) once and while driving to Alta with him and the Gaffney bros he asked what I did in the summers. At the time I was running a lot of trail marathons. He sort of laughed and said that he’d rather jump off stuff with a chute on and push the edge rather than do something as boring as run 25 miles.

I’ve never been much for ego so the jab didn’t hurt and I’ll admit that running for hours on end can be seen by most as boring…and psychotic by others. Interesting that during the summers I choose spend hours on end on a road bike – although my enjoyment of screaming down a mountain pass at 50+ mph on a road bike is much more to “the edge” than trail running ever was. That’s why I dig climbing – it’s the descent that is the rush.

All of these thoughts were spurred when watching the following video (which I watched a couple of times) and hearing Shane’s voice behind the footage.

2 Responses to “Pushing the Envelope with Flying”

  1. Ramon Says:

    Hi Kendall

    just wanted you to know that I enjoyed the class today…and I am pumped to get this blogging going…so I decided to view some of your stuff…WOW

    look forward to bribing you in a week or so

    Later Ramon

  2. powstash Says:

    Thanks Ramon for the comment. I know I needed to tone it down on the history and “state of the union” regarding blogs and get more into the “meat and potatoes” but I’m glad you liked it. Look forward to touching base with you soon.

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