One of the things I enjoy about my job at is the opportunity and often the challenge of finding small events that we can sponsor.  From this I often meet the most amazing people and get a chance to not only represent the brand I work for but also get to create a lasting relationship with the event organizer.

One event that I sort of took a chance on was a request from Jeannette Cezanne who created the Bread and Roses geocaching event.  Recently Jeannette has written a book about geocaching which is part of the Open Your Heart series, a Why To in the sea of How To books.  I had the chance to read the book (pdf’s are great) and was very impressed by the reasoning behind the pursuit.  I’ve never before done geocaching but found through the book a new understanding of what it is but more importantly the why behind it.

What I realize is that geocaching is full of adventure and exploration, similar desires that drive me to hike, climb and ski mountaineer – some of my favorite pursuits.

Check out the video hosted on Jeannette’s website – Open Your Heart to Geocaching. besides being a good overview I give her kudos for such a cool way to promo a book by using new media.

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