When you’re starting a new company in a sea of 40+ year old companies and a handful of scrappy upstarts, you’ve got to go about things a bit different. Then again, you could likely pick up a 40 year old textbook on business and realize that different is primarily in the application, not the concept. Different doesn’t always mean extravagant, wild, extreme. Different could be focusing on the customer when your competition isn’t. That is indeed different.

One of the age old concepts of business is customer service. According to Seth Godin, customer service is an arm of marketing and quite likely it’s your least expensive way of going about it. If you’re looking at customer service as an expense then it’s time to be different.

Bluehouse Skis, who I recently wrote about, is going about customer service different when it comes to getting skis out to their customers. Be certain, if you order some skis, they are out the door pronto. But the opportunity arose the other day to be different and I think it will pay off.


2 Responses to “Bluehouse Skis – Customer Service is Different”

  1. Katie Says:

    This is so awesome. It makes you guys endearing and passionate and real and authentic. That you’re as psyched to deliver your skis as your customers are to receive them….it’s very cool. I mean, I realize that this is probably in jest, but nonetheless, I see publicity potential here.

    Hope it’s going well over there!

  2. powstash Says:

    Thanks for the comment. It is real and it is authentic. We were really going to go deliver skis locally and thought it’d be cool to play it up a bit. I mean, anyone can ship skis but when it’s in your neighborhood it’s easy to make friends.

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